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The Ross Local School District has consistently achieved excellent ratings on the State of Ohio District Report Card. The district received all As and Bs on the major components of the 2014 District Report Card. In addition, the district ranked first in Butler County in Performance Index with a score of 106.2. That score also ranked Ross Schools number 77 in Ohio out of over 600 districts. In the area of Value Added the district ranked number 33 in Ohio and second in Butler County. Morgan Elementary Schools Performance Index of 109.6 was the highest of all Butler County schools. Ross High School and Elda Elementary School have both been named Schools of Distinction in the past by the Ohio Department of Education.
The district consists of 70 square miles in the southwest corner of Butler County, Ohio. The area is ruralsuburban with four small villages.
The district is seven miles southwest of downtown Hamilton, Ohio, and 25 miles northwest of Cincinnati. The district enrollment is 2,845 students in grades PK - 12.
Due to recent and continuing growth, the district has recently completed a 57 million dollar building program. A new high school was opened in September, 2005. Elda Elementary, Morgan Elementary and Ross Middle School received additions and underwent extensive renovations.